Our Philosophy.
The firm's highest aspiration is to lead its clients efficiently and without loss of reputation out of the criminal law crisis. For this, a trusting client relationship is just as indispensable as a realistic assessment of the accusation and the development of a defence strategy based on it, which in turn requires legal expertise and psychological sensitivity in dealing with the parties to the proceedings.
The top priority here is to achieve the best result for the client and, if possible, to coordinate a compatible and swift conclusion to the proceedings with the prosecution and supervisory authorities as well as the courts.
For the client, this not only includes the unimpaired continuation of professional activities (for example, the prevention of reputational damage through noiseless terminations of proceedings, the avoidance of disciplinary and professional proceedings, the preservation of the reliability of business managers and the prevention of entries in the central business register as well as tender restrictions).
The private sphere of life should also remain as unencumbered as possible (in particular by avoiding a preliminary or prison sentence as well as maintaining hunting and weapons licences).

"Defence is a fight. Fighting for the rights of the accused in conflict with the judicial institutions of the State which have to fulfil the mandate to prosecute crimes.”
– Prof. Dr. Hans Dahs –